West Hill Park

West Hill Park, 2 kilometers west of Guilin and on the way to Reed Flute Cave, is composed of 12 peaks, including the Thousand Peak, Stone Fish peak, West Peak and Guangyin Peak.
The West Peak, towering up precipitously, is the highest peak here. When in fine evening the peak is veiled in golden sunlight, which is known as the " Sunset in the West Hill".
The Thousand Peak is located in the southeast of the park, with latitude of 357 meters. It features for its lavish vegetation. A stone path can be found up to the summit to see the view of Guilin.
Along the cliff of the Guanyin Peak are more than 200 Buddha statues carved in the Tang dynasty. These benignant-looking Buddha are exquisitely carved, ranging from 2 centimeters to 2 meters in height. The great number of Buddha statues as well as frequent visits by pilgrims and successive worshipping activities has brought to the West Hill the reputation as one of the five most important Buddhist centers in South china.